Monday, February 24, 2025
6:30 PM - 7:15 PM CST
Class Fee: $15 WMQFA Member / $20 Non Member
Enjoy this Virtual Lecture from the comfort of your home, and join us over Zoom with renowned AQS Certified Appraiser of Quilted Textiles, lecturer, quilt show judge, teacher, quilt historian, and owner of L.E. Quilts - Lisa Erlandson
Lecture Description:
Make Your Best Quilt
What does a judge see when they look at a quilt? How does an appraiser determine the value of your quilt?
This lecture examines the features a judge may look for in choosing a winning quilt as well as the qualities of a quilt that may increase or decrease the appraised value. More importantly, we will talk the simple things you can do to improve your skills. Even if you never intend to enter your quilt into a competitive contest or have it appraised, you want to make the best quilt you are capable of! Tips will be given to help you make the best quilt you can, whether the quilt is heading to a contest or to cover a loved one.
This lecture will be held exclusively on Zoom. Before the virtual lecture, registered attendees will receive an email with a link. The lecture will NOT be recorded for later viewing.
This virtual lecture is co-sponsored by Lighthouse Quilters Guild.